VoIP Technology - Call Phones by Computer

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Italian Translation for VoipStunt

I tried by best to traslate the VoipStunt software in my native language (Italian), waiting for a definitive multilanguage version.
To activate the italian language you have follow this simple steps:

  • Download this file (Italian.zip)

  • Extract it in the VoipStunt's installation folder (Example: C:\Program Files\VoipStunt.com\VoipStunt)

  • Run VoipStunt and from the 'Tools' menù click on 'Select Language' -> 'Load Custom Language File...'

  • Select then the file 'Italian.lang' previously extracted from the ZIP archive

The translation isn't complete and/or perfect, for example the button aren't translatable because they are in graphical format and there will be some bug for sure, if you find something wrong or you want to suggest me anything for a better translation you can mail me at: luke.net@gmail.com and suggest me the problem or the improvement you like.

If you like to give for free this file in your website, please mention and link my blogs:


Good VoIP to everybody.

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